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School of Medicine Greenville

Faculty Profile

Faculty and Staff

Robert Lafitte Eller, MD

Title: Adjunct Associate Professor
School of Medicine Greenville
Phone: 864-454-4368
Office: 200 Patewood Drive
Greenville SC


Honors & Awards: AF longevity Service Ribbon with 2 Oak Leaf Clusters
AF Outstanding Unit Award with 5 Oak Leaf Clusters
AF Training Ribbon
Air Force Expeditionary Service Ribbon with Gold Border
Global War on Terrorism Service Medal
Iraq Campaign Medal with Star
Meritorious Service Medal, with Oak Leaf Cluster
National Defense Service Medal with Star
Nuclear Deterrence Operations Service Medal
Small Arms Expert Marksmanship Ribbon (Pistol)
Field Grade Officer Clinical Excellence Award
Field Grade Officer of the Year (1/112)
Physician Educator of the Year Award
Silver Spoon Award for Teaching Excellence
Best Paper of 2008, Clinical Medicine Category
Resident Travel Award
Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society
Overall Scholarship for International Medicine
Pearson Scholarship for International Nutrition Research
Distinguished Graduate
Tri-Beta Biology Honor Society
Eagle Scout
Professional Affiliations: Christian Society of Otolaryngology
American Laryngological Association
Other - Graduate Fellow
American Board of Otolaryngology
Society of Military Otolaryngologists
American Academy of Otolaryngology—Head and Nexk Surgery
British Laryngological Association
Other - International Member
San Antonio Society of Otolaryngology

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