Admissions Committee
The Dean has delegated the final authority for making all admissions decisions to the Admissions Committee.
The Dean has delegated the final authority for making all admissions decisions to the Admissions Committee.
The Admissions Evaluation Committee is charged with evaluating applicants who are invited for an interview, to include a comprehensive review of applications prior to conducting an interview
The Appointment and Promotion- Biomedical Professional Track implements appointment and promotion procedures and criteria for professional track clinical faculty, reviews candidates as appropriate for appointment to new faculty positions and reviews current faculty for consideration of promotion in rank.
The Appointment and Promotions- Clinical Professional Track implements appointment and promotion procedures and criteria for professional track clinical faculty, reviews candidates as appropriate for appointment to new faculty positions and reviews current faculty for consideration of promotion in rank.
The Budget Committee is charged with advising the dean on the allocation of funds to support the undergraduate medical education program. This committee serves as a liaison between the administration and faculty on matters pertaining to the budget and advocates for faculty priorities on matters of budget and budgetary policy. The committee has access to all relevant budgetary data to fulfill its purpose.
The Clerkship and Post-clerkship Subcommittee is charged with conducting comprehensive reviews of individual clerkships and courses including evaluation of methods of assessment, learning objectives, instructional formats, and assessment outcomes. In addition, the subcommittee is charged with reviewing outcomes data for the clerkship and post-clerkship phase of the curriculum – specifically Step 2 performance and match rate.
The Curriculum Committee of the University of South Carolina School of Medicine Greenville is a deliberative body charged and empowered by the Dean and given institutional authority to review, advise, and make policy for the successful design, implementation and assessment of the curriculum for the undergraduate medical education program leading to the MD degree.
The Executive Committee of the School of Medicine is charged with advising the dean and the dean’s leadership team regarding high-level administrative matters, strategy, institutional health, relationship to the community and other issues of long-term significance to the operations and priorities of the medical school.
The Faculty Development & Engagement Committee is a faculty committee charged with advising the Dean and Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs on faculty development offerings and strategic direction across the full range of faculty development activities related to teaching, research, scholarship, and service.
The Faculty Representation Committee oversees the standing committees of the medical school to ensure the proper channeling of the faculty voice in a mixed governance model. FRC is responsible for developing and administering the procedures of nomination and election of faculty members to USC School of Medicine Greenville committees designated for elected members of the faculty, for changes to the committee descriptions or composition, and addition of new standing committees.
The Learning Environment Review Committee is charged with reviewing de-identified aggregated data of mistreatment and learning environment concerns in the classroom, the hospital and the clinics. This group collaborates to identify ways to promote professionalism and role-modeling of professionalism in the learning environment.
The Policy and Procedures Committee is charged with ensuring that the content of policies meet university guidelines, LCME expectations, and are aligned with the USC School of Medicine Greenville Strategic Plan. The purpose of USC School of Medicine Greenville policies is to ensure that all students, faculty, and staff are treated equitably, and expectations of behavior are clear. The committee also ensures that faculty input has been achieved for policies related to the curriculum.
The Pre-clerkship Subcommittee is charged with conducting comprehensive reviews of individual modules, including evaluation of methods of assessment, learning objectives, instructional formats, ensuring the integration of Integrated Practice of Medicine (IPM) and the biomedical sciences curriculum (or the integration of biomedical and clinical content). In addition, the subcommittee is charged with reviewing outcomes data for the pre-clerkship phase of the curriculum – specifically Step 1 performance.
The PCAT Admissions subcommittee is charged with selecting suitable candidates for admission in the parallel accelerated three-year curriculum at the University of South Carolina School of Medicine Greenville. Potential candidates are referred to the subcommittee after the Admissions Committee has offered acceptance in the traditional four-year curriculum. Offers of admission into the PCAT program occur on a rolling basis but prior to the Foundations 1 Module during the M1 academic year. Potential applicants express their interest in the program through the supplemental application process. After an initial screening of the supplemental application, offers to interview with the PCAT Admissions Subcommittee are extended. A scoring rubric is used to make a final offer of acceptance in the PCAT program after an interview as occurred.
The Program Evaluation and Assessment Subcommittee (PEAS) is charged with compiling and monitoring data from a variety of outcomes measures, analyzing the information, and providing recommendations to the Curriculum Committee for improved methods of teaching and/or assessment.
The Student Evaluation and Promotion Committee, acting for the faculty, makes decisions for each student's continued enrollment and/or academic progress in the School of Medicine, including continuation, promotion to the next academic year, additional educational activities and support, suspension, dismissal, or any variation thereof that in the opinion of the Committee is appropriate.