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School of Medicine Greenville

Faculty Profile

Faculty and Staff

Gerald Beltran

Title: Clinical Associate Professor
Emergency Medicine
School of Medicine Greenville
Phone: 864-455-7000
Office: 701 Grove Road
Greenville SC


Honors & Awards: Top 50 Peer Reviewer For Annals of Emergency Medicine
COVID-19 Pandemic Civilian Service Medal
Academic Award
Fellow of the Academy of EMS Physicians
Fellow of American College of Emergency Physicians
2013 Regional Award for Outstanding EMS Physician
EMS Fellowship Recognition Award
Nursing Recognition Award for Outstanding Resident
Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges
Dean’s Research Fellowship
Psi Sigma Alpha National Honor Society
Sigma Sigma Phi National Honor Society
Academic Award
Commonwealth Scholar
Graduated Cum Laude
Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society
Golden Key National Honor Society
Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
