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School of Medicine Greenville

Faculty Profile

Faculty and Staff

Janette E. White

Title: Adjunct Assistant Professor
School of Medicine Greenville
Phone: 864-454-2423
Office: 200 Patewood Dr.
Greenville SC 29615


Research Interest(s): 1. Diplopia and Driving -- was awarded $2900.00 from the Saskatoon District Health Board to study this. (July, 1997) – see above paper. 2. Retinopathy of Prematurity – etiology and treatment. 3. Strabismus -- etiology and treatment of congenital and acquired strabismus. 4. Ocular genetics/syndromes.
Honors & Awards: National Children’s Eye Care Foundation award for fellowship training
Hewlette-Packard Top Medical Graduate Awards
Horner Medal in Ophthalmology
Lange Award
. Associate of the Royal Conservatory of Music of Toronto -- piano
The Outstanding Teacher Award
American Board of Ophthalmology Written Examination 99th percentile
Various university scholarships and bursaries, including a UWO entrance scholarship and the Fessenden-Trott scholarship ($17, 500 over 3 years)
Ophthalmic Knowledge Assessment Program (OKAP)
DW Mills Award for best rounds presented in ophthalmology
National Board of Medical Examiners Qualifying Exam (USA):
Lang Book Prizes
The Class of 1951 FR Clegg Memorial Award (for high academic standing, compassion and personal commitment) and the L Sutcliffe Memorial Scholarship (for highest standing in obstetrics and gynecology)

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
