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Art Galleries

USC Sumter has four art galleries that are open to the public. They are all located at USC Sumter, 200 Miller Road, Sumter, S.C. The hours for each gallery are listed with its current information.

The Upstairs Gallery

Located on the second floor of the Williams-Brice-Edwards Administration Building
Hours: Monday - Friday,  8:30 a.m.  5 p.m.

The University Gallery

Located in the Anderson Library
Hours: Monday - Thursday,  8:30 a.m.  5 p.m.
Friday 8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.


The Umpteenth Gallery

Located in the Arts & Letters Building 
Hours: Monday  Friday,  8:30 a.m.  5 p.m. 


The William J. Reynolds Gallery

Located on the second Floor of the Williams-Brice-Edwards Administration Building
Hours: Monday  Friday, 8:30 a.m.  5 p.m.

The William J. Reynolds Gallery contains a permanent collection of aerospace art donated to the University by the Reynolds family.